puhelin: +358 10 249 1717
faksi: +358 10 249 1719
sähköposti: info(a)

Recser Oy
Teknobulevardi 3-5 G
01530 Vantaa

Katso kaikki yhteystiedot
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Pick-up order for a full battery transport box

You can order free pickup for a full transport box through the pickup order system.

Order a pick-up using the ordering system:

In order to use the service, you will need the collection point’s ID number. If you do not know or remember the ID number of your collection point, order the ID number here. In case of problems, contact us by email at kuljetukset(a)

Please note that there is no joint collection of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and batteries.

Instructions for placing a pick-up order using the ordering system:

  1. Enter your collection point’s ID number in the field ”Anna keräyspistenumerosi” (Enter your collection point number) and press the ”Jatka” (Continue) button.
  2. Add the number of boxes to be picked up using the plus button next to the text ”Nouto: täysi paristolaatikko” (Pick-up: full battery box). You will automatically be provided with the same number of empty boxes “Tyhjä paristolaatikko” as will be picked up. You can change the numbers of empty and full boxes using the plus and minus buttons if you wish.
  3. Further down the page, provide the requested postal details to the system: the collection point’s ”Postinumero” (Postal code), ”Kaupunki” (City) and ”Katuosoite” (Street address).
  4. Next enter the business information requested by the system in the fields: ”Y-tunnus” (Company’s business ID), ”Keräyspisteen nimi” (Name of the collection point), ”Etunimi” (First name of the contact person), ”Sukunimi” (Last name of the contact person), ”Sähköpostiosoite” (Email address of the collection point, preferably a general one, such as info(a) and “358” (Phone Number).
  5. If necessary, you can provide more detailed transport instructions for the driver in the ”Anna lisätietoja kuljettajalle” (Provide additional information for the driver, e.g. opening hours, door code) text field.
  6. The system prompts users to confirm the following steps:
    ”Tilaamalla noudon vakuutan, että noudettava erä on pakattu oikein ja sisältää vain sinne kuuluvaa tavaraa.” (By requesting a pickup, I certify that the items to be collected are properly packed and contain only relevant contents). This ensures that the box does not contain any unauthorized items or waste (such as light bulbs, ink cartridges, or trash).
    ”Valtuutan kuljetusliikkeen allekirjoittamaan siirtoasiakirjan lähettäjän puolesta.” (I grant authorization for the transportation company to sign the transfer document on behalf of the sender.) By confirming this, the driver can proceed with the pickup and delivery of the boxes without requiring a signature from the collection point.”
  7. Place your order by pressing the “Lähetä tilaus” (Submit order) button.
  8. The order confirmation, transfer documents and package labels will be sent by email. The collection point does not have to print out the transfer document or package labels, as the driver will bring them when picking up the order. The pick-up will take place within nine days. Pack the box to be picked up so that it is ready for pick-up.

Instructions for placing an order by telephone:

If you are unable to place an order online, you can place an order by phone on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm at +358 (0)30 6363 733.

If you encounter problems, please contact kuljetukset(a)

The price of calling is the mobile charge (mpm) when calling with a mobile phone and the local network rate (pvm) when calling with a landline. The call price is determined based on the subscription contract of the caller’s phone subscription.

Instructions for packing batteries for transport:

Our transport partners only accept transport equipment provided by Recser Oy or other UN-approved transport containers for transport. Please note that the sender is responsible for ensuring that the used batteries and accumulators handed over for transport are classified, packed, labelled and documented as required by legislation.

The driver will bring the necessary transport documents and package labels. The transport documents consist of a waybill and package-specific address tags. In accordance with the requirements set for transfer documents in the Waste Act, the sender must keep the waybill for three years.

Pack the box to be picked up so that it is ready for pick-up.

Other considerations:

A full box will be picked up within nine days of the order. You are only allowed to hand the transport boxes over to the driver once the proper transport documents are presented!

The information entered on the form will be stored in the collection point register. The personal data stored in the collection point register will only be used for purposes necessary for fulfilling Recser Oy’s statutory collection obligation, such as for carrying out pick-ups and providing information on instructions. Recser Oy Collection Points Privacy policy. Further information: info(a)