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Recser Oy
Teknobulevardi 3-5 G
01530 Vantaa

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Paristoperhe potretissa keräyslaatikon edustalla

When we are recycled appropriately, the raw materials contained in us stay in circulation on the material market.

Paristokierrätys recycles your batteries and small accumulators

In Finland, battery recycling, “Paristokierrätys”, is organised by the producer organisation Recser Oy, which represents more than 1000 battery and accumulator producers.

Established in 2008 by battery and accumulator producers, Recser Oy is a non-profit organisation whose duty is to take care of the separate collection, pre-processing and recycling of batteries and accumulators, as well as the promotion of recycling, in Finland. On behalf of its producers, Recser Oy reports to the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre) of Pirkanmaa, which supervises operations subject to producer responsibility in Finland, including the separate collection and recycling of batteries and accumulators.

Easy for producers and consumers

Carrying out the producer responsibility must be easy for producers and returning batteries and accumulators to collection points must be convenient for consumers. Over the course of ten years, Recser has collaborated with its partners to establish a network of 13,000 collection points in Finland and recycled a total of more than 10 million kilograms of batteries and small accumulators. You probably recognise the red collection box from your local store.

A positive charge remains

When batteries no longer have a charge, Paristokierrätys ensures that a positive charge remains – the materials contained in batteries and accumulators are recycled and reused as industrial raw materials. From the collection points, the batteries and accumulators are first transported to be sorted and pre-processed at the Akkuser Oy plant in Nivala and then transported in different fractions to destinations such as Kokkola, Haapajärvi and further in Europe. We also keep up with the challenges brought about by product development and meet those challenges as pioneers. Read more about the recycling process.