puhelin: +358 10 249 1717
faksi: +358 10 249 1719
sähköposti: info(a)

Recser Oy
Teknobulevardi 3-5 G
01530 Vantaa

Katso kaikki yhteystiedot
  • fi
  • sv
  1. Free-of-charge battery transport boxes are delivered primarily to distributors of portable batteries and accumulators subject to the obligation to accept products as decreed in Section 56 of the Waste Act (646/2011). Where possible, boxes are also delivered to other private and public sector operators whose own operations generate at least 30 kilograms of used batteries and accumulators a year. The collection site must be supervised. Boxes are not delivered to residential properties.
  2. The box delivered by Recser Oy is designed and meant to be used as a transport package as referred to in legislation governing the transport of hazardous materials. Using the box for other purposes, such as collection, is carried out under the collection site’s own responsibility.
  3. Recser Oy’s contractual transporter strives to deliver the box within 7 days from the date on which the order has been entered into the order system. The orderer is sent a confirmation of this.
  4. Only portable batteries and accumulators complying with Government Decree 520/2014 regarding batteries and accumulators may be packed in the box. The terminals of all lithium batteries and accumulators must be covered with adhesive tape or by enclosing the products in a plastic bag or plastic wrap in order to prevent short-circuiting. Any leaking batteries and accumulators must be packed in bags.
  5. When ordered, Recser Oy’s contractual transporter picks up a full box. The pick-up is ordered directly from the contractual transporter in accordance with instructions given by Recser Oy. An empty replacement box is delivered automatically when a full box is picked up. Several replacement boxes can be requested separately.
  6. The battery boxes must be placed ready for pick-up in the usual cargo loading area of the collection site.
  7. The distributor is not allowed to hand the batteries and accumulators it has received to parties other than transporters or handlers acting on behalf of the producer.
  8. Up-to-date collection and pick-up order instructions and other materials can be found and printed on the Recser Oy website.
  9. Recser Oy may use the contact information provided in the order in its information provision.