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Big Littie

Species: Lithium-ion battery

A newcomer that must be returned to regional collection points.”

Prevalence: Found in new electric means of transportation such as electric bicycles and self-balancing scooters.

Lifetime: Several years when kept and charged properly.

Behaviour: Big Littie is a new battery type that may become upset when overcharged, but tends to behave well otherwise.

Handling: Big Littie must not be allowed in the battery boxes of stores. You can find the nearest regional collection point for Big Littie at 

Did you know: Big Littie is rapidly becoming more common due to technological development. The family includes its big brothers used in electric cars and batteries used for storing renewable energy.

Appearance: May look confusingly similar to Lumpy. The size may vary from half a kilogram to several kilograms. Can be recognised by the “Li-” or “Li-ion” marking.

See what lithium batteries look like