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Recser Oy
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Recser Oy’s CEO Liisa-Marie Stenbäck on Kesko’s Viewpoints blog: 3 important reasons to recycle batteries and accumulators

“Over the past two decades, batteries and accumulators have become an integral part of our daily lives: most of our devices run on them. At the same time, technological development has enabled the use of smaller but more powerful accumulators in smart devices and vehicles, for example.” our CEO Liisa-Marie Stenbäck talks about the development of battery technology.

The number of batteries and accumulators is expected to increase further, which is directly reflected in the growing need for raw materials. Existing mines are not able to meet this need. The first reason to recycle batteries and accumulators is the environment and sustainable materials.

Stenbäck writes in the blog post about the importance of recycling batteries and accumulators for the environment, safety and ease of recycling.

Read the full blog post here.